Shoulder Immobilizer - SLG100
Supportive immobilization of the shoulder joint in rotation, abduction and antepulsion.
Allows you to choose the elbow flexion angle.
Distributes the weight of the arms for better support and positioning.
Ensures safe and effective immobilization Immobilizes the shoulder in internal rotation, controlling flexion-extension, rotation and abduction of the shoulder.
Maintains the elbow at 90° flexion and intermediate pronation.
Bilateral model.
- Fractures of the subcapital humerus.
- Shoulder joint repair.
- Clavicle fracture.
- Subluxation of the glenohumeral joint.
- Acromio-clavicular dislocation.
- Treatment of trauma to the shoulders and arms.
- Post-surgery.
- Subluxations and minor shoulder injuries.
Reference: SLG100