Immobilizing Splint for Fracture - DonJoy EXOS - Pediatric
Estimated delivery time
5 to 7 business days
A new alternative to traditional plaster!
Exos is the only orthotic system that offers patients a removable, adjustable, remodelable and waterproof solution for treating fractures and other injuries that require stabilization.
The Exos orthosis is removable, allowing:
- Examination of the fracture site
- Examination of a wound or incision
- Assessment of muscular atrophy
- Ability to begin rehabilitation therapy earlier in the healing process
- Cleaning the skin and orthosis
- Removal without using a saw
The Exos orthosis is remodelable, allowing:
- Modification to accommodate anatomical changes as healing progresses
- Serial position changes
- Use of a single orthosis throughout the treatment period
- Reduction of material waste
The Exos orthosis is adjustable (using the exclusive BOA® dynamic spool and lacing closure system), allowing:
- Expansion to allow for initial swelling and reduce the risk of compartment syndrome
- Modifying tension for a custom fit despite atrophy or soft tissue changes
- Improved patient comfort and fit
The Exos orthosis is waterproof, allowing:
- Have patients continue with their regular daily activities, such as bathing
- Let children stay active
- May athletes continue their aquatic activities
- Using a hairdryer to quickly dry the brace and skin
The Exos orthosis was designed for better hygiene, allowing:
- Have patients wash and dry their hands as needed
- Material treated with antimicrobials to reduce odor
The Exos orthosis is radiotransparent, allowing:
- Taking x-rays without removing the brace
- Clinical assessment of fracture healing without the need for restructuring
- Exos orthoses are significantly lighter than cast or fiberglass orthoses
The BOA Closure System allows for quick adjustments in circumferential compression and can be locked with the BOA Lock Ring provided with each orthosis.
- Fractures of the distal radius or distal ulna
- Acute injuries.
- Post-operative.