circaid® glove® - Compression Lymphedema Fingers
The circaid® glove is an easy-to-apply garment that provides mild to moderate additional compression to the fingers.
It is possible to individually adjust the length of the fingers according to the user's needs.
It is recommended to always use the circaid glove in combination with a circaid arm garment (e.g. the circaid juxtafit).
Can also be combined with other circaid glove options.
The compression system is designed to provide compression to the fingers for users with venous and lymphatic disorders.
Product advantages
- Provides light to moderate compression.
- Individually adjustable finger length.
- Intuitive and simple dressing.
- Designed for use in the left or right hand.
- Lymphedema or other forms of edema
- Lipoedema
- Severe Peripheral Artery Disease
- Uncontrolled congestive heart failure
- Septic phlebitis
- Untreated infection
- Any circumstance in which an increase in venous and lymphatic return is undesirable
- Suspected or known acute untreated deep vein thrombosis
Composition: 45% Polyamide; 55% Elastane